Tag: Canoeing Tips

Planning the Perfect Fall Canoeing Trip

Group rowing in canoe at sunset

The fall season is the perfect time to get outdoors and explore all that nature has to offer. Whether it be taking a walk around a local trail or going on an outdoor adventure for the weekend, everyone should get out in the open air and take in the beauty of fall. If you land… Read more »

Common Paddling Injuries

Common Paddling Injuries

Paddling is a great way to stay active during the warmer months! However, just like all other physical activities, there is always a risk of developing an injury. Unpredictable conditions such as giant waves, a rocky bend, or one wrong move can cause an injury. Just like any other injury, there are ways to help… Read more »

Canoeing: How to Not Tip Over

Taking a canoe out on the water sounds like a wonderful experience filled with epic sceneries and breathtaking wilderness, until the time comes to actually get into the canoe. Don’t let the fear of turning over keep you from trying. Here are some canoeing tips to help you not tip over and have an experience… Read more »