Choosing the Right Camp for a Moose Hunting Trip

With moose hunting season right around the corner, there’s no better time to look for a base camp for your upcoming hunting trip.

When looking for the right camp, there are several things that you should take into consideration. You will obviously want to choose a site that has proven to have a plentiful population of moose, but it’s also important to consider the lodging that is being offered, the experience of the company running the camp and more.

Ensure this year’s moose hunting expedition is one to remember by following these few easy steps.

Pick a camp that has plentiful herds

When selecting a camp, it is essential to do your research and choose one that has proven to have healthy, plentiful moose herds year in and year out.

A simple search on the internet should show you a few camp options in the area you are looking to hunt, and it is suggested that you read reviews on each to find out more about the population near the camp.

It shouldn’t take you too long to see which sites are successful for moose hunting and which are not.

Choose one that meets your lodging needs

Once you have narrowed down your search and found a few camps that have a good track record for moose herds, you should look into the lodging that is available.

Some sites may only offer tent camps that are erected during hunting season, while others may have mini lodges, cabins and more.

When you consider how you want to sleep at night while on your hunting trip, it will make your decision a whole lot easier.

Make sure they’re experienced

While it’s great to have found a camp that has moose herds and comfortable accommodations, they may not have the experience of some other camps in the area.

It is suggested to stay at a camp with staff that has years of hands-on experience locating and hunting moose. This experience will make it far more likely for you to have a successful hunt and a souvenir or two to take home.

A camp with experience will follow all rules and regulations for the area, surveille the moose with great accuracy, and set you up for a successful hunt you and your party wont soon forget.

When you’re looking for a place to hunt moose this year in Ontario, Canada we ask that you think of our team at Mattice Lake Outfitters. We open our spacious camp to both resident and non-resident moose hunters and will be honored to have you soon.

Our visitors have a high success rate when it comes to bagging a prize, as we have a large number of healthy moose on our property. We also provide comfortable lodging that includes everything from tent camps to cabins, mini lodges and more.

No matter what you’re looking for on your moose hunting trip this September/October, we’ll be able to facilitate it at our one-of-a-kind camp. Call us today at 1-800-411-0334 to learn more.